Friday, January 10, 2020

The Wife of Bath Tales

Today in class, we continued to read the rest of “The Wife of Bath Tale”. The knight has found the answer to the queens question from an old lady, but the knight had to give her something in return which was his future. The old lady wanted him to marry her, he didn’t like it at all but he did promise his future so he didn’t have a choice. After reading “The Wife of Bath Tales” we took a quiz on the tale. What I learned from today’s lesson was that men want faithful and loyal women. Some men don’t care about appearance they just want their women to be pay to them and others worry about appearance and not loyalty. For example, the knight didn’t like how the old lady looked, the old lady didn’t or his behavior so she gave him a choice to either have an old faithful lady or an young faithful lady, but he said that it was her choice even though that he wanted the young women. I also learned that it is very important to know the definition of words because it can help you on the AP Exam.

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