Monday, January 13, 2020

The Pardoners Tale

Today in class, we read “The Pardoner’s Tales”, which was about how a man would go from city’s to city and tell the same story to people that were in church. He told them what they wanted to hear for their money, he didn’t care if they didn’t have enough money to divide for their kids, he would still take their money. What I learned today was was that “Love of money is the root of all evil” and I believe this because their are a lot of people that would do anything to have money. For example, the three rioters were looking for death but instead they had found some money, which made them forget about what they were really looking for. I also learned that there are three and more things that can cause death which are speaking on death, getting involved in dangerous/evil activities, and being careless of your surroundings. Just like the three rioters, getting involved in dangerous activities cause them to die. They all had ideas on what they were going to do to each other and it back fired by all them the rioters dying.

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