Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Pardoner’s Tale Quiz

Today in class, we’ve took a quiz about the tale we read yesterday which was “The Pardoner’a Tale”. After taking the quiz, we went through the answers and talked about our mistakes on the quiz. Then, we were assigned to make up a question that weren’t on the quiz. For example, my group had to come up with a question about what an object symbolizes in the tale. I didn’t make the grade that I wanted to make and now that we went through the quiz, I understood what my mistake was which were not doing process of elimination and also not comparison the questions that were on the quiz. I like practicing more with multiple choice because it would give me an better idea of what I should do on the AP exam. What I learned today was a new word which was hedonism which means the pursuit to pleasure. I need to work on knowing definitions to certain words and also I need to work more on process of elimination.

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