Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Wife of Bath Tales

Today in class, we talked more about “The Canterbury Tales” and read the general prologue which talked about the characters and who they were. After learning about the characters, we read "The Wife of Bath Tales".The most important thing that I learned from today’s lesson was that Canterbury is a holy place and people often go there to find or heal themselves. With "The Canterbury Tales" the characters are named by their occupation. I believe that this is important because their are a lot of authors who characters are not named by their occupation but just name by what the author gives them. In "The Wife of Bath Tales", a knight has raped the maiden and the queen wanted to punish him by asking him,"What is the thing that women most desire?". This is very important to me because their are different aspects of what women desire such as wealth, attention, passionate, and so much more in a man, but most women only want to have control of their marriage.

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