Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Group Assignment

Today in class, we worked on our group assignment from Monday.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Today in class, we took our EQT.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Group Assignment

Today in class, we got into groups and worked on a topic from “The Color Purple”. We talked about theme, evidence, claims, and the meaning of the work as a whole.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Study Guide

Today in class, we worked on our study guide and we read the rest of “The Color Purple”.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Today in class, we took a quiz on letter 71-75 from “The Color Purple”. We went over the questions and talked about what we didn’t understand on the quiz. After that, we read letters 76 and 77 than we answered some question about the letters and we used our answers as multiple choice.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Today in class, we looked at old prompts that were on the AP Exam. We also talked about the meaning of the work as a whole and about things that we didn’t understand on the prompt.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Friday, December 6, 2019

Group Presentation

Today in class, we got into groups and read an letter from “The Color Purple”. We presented about summary, tone, theme, characterization, and questions.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Today in class, we took a quiz and went over two poems, which were “Fear” and “The Kiss” by Sara Teasdale.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Color Purple

Today in class, we had a pop quiz and after that we continued to read “The Color Purple”.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Today in class, we sat down and talked.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Practice Multiple Choice

Today in class, we went over multiple choice, it had questions from letters 1-5, after that we read the novel “The Color Purple”. Once we was done reading the novel we did the rest of the multiple questions from letters 41-45.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Color Purple Essay

Today in class, we wrote an essay on “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Today in class, we worked on our “The Color Purple” packet that was assigned to us because Mr. Rease wasn’t here today.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tobias Letter

Dear God,
Why can’t Margaret be just like Celie. That women always wanna buy this and buy that. I sick of it. Celie should teach her a thing or two, maybe I’ll have some moe money in my pocket.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Claims and Grammar

Today in class, we worked on claims and grammar, we corrected some sentences and word error. After that we read “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Colored Purple

Today in class, we went through some of the essays that we did about “Fences”, we looked at people evidence and thesis. After that we read the novel “The Colored Purple” by Alice Walker.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Colored Purple

Today in class, we continued to read the novel “The Colored Purple” by Alice Walker. Celie and Mr. meet Harpo wife Sofia, Harpo got Sofia pregnant on purpose so that they can marry each other. Sofia wasn’t being the wife that Harpo wanted her to be so he asked his father and Celie what he should do, Celie told him to beat her. Sofia came back to Celie about the situation, she was very disappointed with Celie because of what she did. Celie was jealous because she couldn’t do the things that Sofia could do which was to fight back.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Colored Purple

Today in class, we read the novel “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker. After reading “The Color Purple” we did some critical thinking questions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Literary Analysis Questions

Today in class, we worked on the Literary Analysis and Reading Structure Question. It had questions that we’re dealing with Ben Jonson’s poems which were “On My First Son”, “Still to be Neat”, and “Song: To Celia”.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Moon and the Yew Tree

Today in class, we continued to analyzed the poem “The Moon and the Yew Tree” by Sylvia Plath. The poem was very difficult to analyze but everyone understands what the poem is about now because we went through it in class.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Moon and The Yew Tree

Today in class, we got into groups and analyzed “The Moon and The Yew Tree” by Sylvia Plath. The process was hard because we didn’t understand what the poem was about.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

You’re by Sylvia Plath

Today in class, we analyzed “You’re” by Sylvia Plath. We looked for metaphors and similes, after that we wrote what that simile or metaphor meant.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Creating A Poem

Today in class, we created an poem that was similar to “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath. The process of creating the poem was very hard for me because I couldn’t really come up with what I was going to say, I than had to really think about what I was going to say. I wasn’t finished but I believe my poem was good.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Work keys

In class, I took the work keys today.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lady Lazarus

In class, we got into groups and analyzed “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


In class, we read an poem called “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath, which was about what she see in herself when she looks in the mirror, so I wrote about how I see myself in the mirror.
        I see an intelligent, hardworking young lady, a person who is always there for her family and loved ones. An person who always work hard for what she believes in, an person who is always goofy but always takes things seriously when it is needed. I see an young women achieving the goals that are coming true. I see an girl that has come out her shell as an confident high self esteem young women.

Monday, October 28, 2019


In class, we were assigned to finish our paragraph because we had an sub today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Today, we went to go see a play called Frankenstein, it’s about a man who wanted to create an monster from an scientific experiment.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


In class, we continued to work on our group assignment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ideal View Of The World

In class, we talked about what is our ideal view of the world. We than got into groups to do an assignment, which was an prompt that dealt with an characters ideal view of the world. We used Fences for our topic, we had to write an paragraph with an umbrella thesis statement.

Monday, October 21, 2019


In class, we finished reading the play Fences. Troy and Cory has a fight which lead Troy into kicking him out of the house. Troy then ends up dead at the end, Lyons and Bonnie have been split for 4 years, Cory is in the Marines, and Raynell is now seven years of age, and they let Gabe out of the hospital so that he could attend his brother’s  funeral

Friday, October 18, 2019


In class, we wrote a paragraph using one of our claims we did Wednesday that was used from the play Fences, after that we read Fences. Rose haven’t talked to Troy in months, they then found out that Alberta had the baby, Alberta died while delivering the baby.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical Thinking Questions

In class, we read three poems out of the literature book and did critical thinking questions that had something to do with the poem because of us having a sub for today.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


In class, we read the play Fences and we then started on Act Two. Bono knows that Troy been talking to Alberta and he talked to him about it, letting him know that he has a good wife and that she loves him dearly. Troy than told Rose that he got someone pregnant, Rose didn’t take it well because she been through it all with Troy, but Troy doesn’t want to leave Rose or Alberta.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay Evaluation Instrument

Today in class, we went over the essay evaluation instruments which explain to us about the style and organization of an essay. It tell you what you need to do to improve in the perfect essay.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Auburn University

Today, we seen the recruiter of Auburn University. He told us all about what we needed to get and what scholarships they have, he also talked to us about the campus and the best programs they have there.

10/8 Fences

We’ve read “Fences” again in class and we begin to get more into the play.

10/7 Fences

We read a new play called “Fences” we took notes and we begin another reading log.

10/4 Critical Thinking Questions

We went over The Yellow Wallpaper and discuss the critical thinking questions and went over prompts so that we can have an better understanding on what kind of questions that’ll be on the AP exam.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today in class, we got into our groups again and we discussed diary entry one from The Yellow Wallpaper. We took notes and discussed it with our group to see what we wrote as notes. After we took a quiz that what involved with the short story.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today in class, we played kahoot that was involved with The Yellow Wallpaper. The played it to see if everyone still remembered what it was about and what The Yellow Wallpaper symbolized in the novel.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper

Today in class, we finished the rest of the novel of “The Yellow Wallpaper”. She went crazy once she realized who was under the wallpaper, which was herself.

The Yellow Wallpaper

In class, we read “The Yellow Wallpaper”. We also talked about what yellow symbolize and what does it mean to us so that we can get a better understanding of what the story is going to be about before we read it.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Today in class, we played kahoot and quiziz that had questions involved with Macbeth.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Today in class, we talked about the techniques on how to start an introduction for your essays. We also talked about how to do a thesis statement, we used the umbrella method for the thesis. I think that I’m processing with the umbrella method. I’ll have to practice more so that I can get a better understanding on it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Review on Macbeth

Today in class, we reviewed on Macbeth to see if everyone understood what it was about.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today in class, we finished reading Macbeth. After we had done that, Mr. Rease has showed us some prompts that were from the 1970 to now. He but each section into groups and we picked which year we wanted to do, we went through the prompts and what the prompt was asking us to do. We then brainstorm the prompt, we used Macbeth as our topic and we had to come up with claims and evidence for the prompt. It wasn’t hard because we had recently finished the play, so we have a good idea of who we’re going to use for our prompt.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Friday we continued to read Macbeth. We go further into when he killed King Duncan, he then realized that Banquo was also in his way so he killed him as well. Macbeth is becoming the man that Lady Macbeth wanted him to be but she doesn’t like the way he is acting and she wants him to stop.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Creating a Scene

Today in class, Mr Rease put everyone into groups and every group had to create our own scene. Our group had to create a scene of what would have happened if Macbeth and Lady Macbeth haven’t killed King Duncan. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today in class, we read over Macbeth. Through Act Two, Lady Macbeth came up with a plan on how to kill King Duncan, which they accomplish to do. Once everyone found out about his death, Macbeth being to show no emotion as they talked about Duncan’s death. Duncan’s sons, Malcom and Donalbain realized how Macbeth was reacting. 

Monday, September 16, 2019


Today in class, we talked about the rubric on how to right an essay. We used one of the old AP English literature test to use question 3, which was an open ended question. It told us to write a defensible thesis and choose a novel, play, or literature merit. We Macbeth and A Lesson Before Dying to get a better understanding on how to do question 3.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Coastal Community College

Today we went to talk to the recruiter from coastal, she told us everything we needed to know as far from scholarships for their college and more. She talked to us about FASFA and ok what we need to do if we want to apply for their college and other colleges. For their college, you don’t have to have a pacific ACT score in order to get accepted, all you have to do is get your high school transcript sent to them and your automatically accepted to their college.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today in class, we read the play “Macbeth”. In Macbeth, Macbeth wants to be king but he doesn’t want to make bad decisions to become king. He has to kill King Duncan and everyone else that is related to King Duncan to become king. Everyone believes that he will become king one day, even him, but he doesn’t want to make that sacrifice into mud during anyone because he’s a good person. Lady Macbeth is on the opposite side of the situation, she wants Macbeth to make all the wrong choices so that he could be king, she wants Macbeth to see that doing the things that he have to do will come into a great cause which is him becoming king. Macbeth has the potential but he’s not related to King Duncan, so he can’t become king.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today in class, we talked about what America symbolized to us and what being an American means. We talked about what hero and patriots meant to us. We also talked about what happened in 9/11, about what caused the crash and why Al- Qaeda hijacked the airplanes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today in class, we took notes on one of William Shakespeare poems “Macbeth”. We discuss on who the characters were and what the play would be about as we read it. We also took notes on what we should see within the play (allusion, dramatic irony, etc..)

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today, we had a substitute and we just chilled and watched YouTube videos. I worked on my homework for Mrs. Mahoney.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Analyzing a William Shakespeare Poem

In class, we got into groups to analyze “When in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes”. After we paraphrase the poem and did the other techniques we were taught, we had to come up with a question and we had to answer that question with a paragraph. My group reflected that the poem was about a speaker wanting to have a better wealth. The speaker than realized that they have everything that they need. The speaker inspired others to cherish everything they have because there are others that doesn’t have anything.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

She shredded her beliefs like a snakes skin

She shredded her beliefs like a snakes skin,
Doubt about confidence and outer shell,
But that was within her back than,
The old her always depended on people,
Reality notified her like a ringing bell,
Her dependence rose up like a eagle,
Not once she never let others see her fail,
Nonchalant towards people as she please,
She never had a shoulder to cry on,
Loved ones took her emotions as a joke,
Never did she had people to call upon,
But that was her back than,
Always believe in yourself at all times,
Confidence is the key to achievement.

Creating a Sonnet Poem

In class, we had to create our own sonnet poem. We practice on how to create it a sonnet poem, the packet gave us an example from one of William Shakespeare sonnet poems. The process of creating the poem was very difficult to do. It took me forever to come up with an idea of what I was going to write and and it was very hard to come up with words that would fit at less 5 feet. I had to come up with another idea, which helped me out better. Shane helped me start the poem of, which helped me a lot, but it’s still very hard to create a sonnet poem.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

William Shakespeare

Today in class, we learned about old English, Middle English, and modern English. We talked about the Shakespeare sonnets which contains quatrains, rhyme couplet, and more. We analyzed “Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a Summers day?”. We all reflected that the poem was about beauty and that beauty isn’t immortal. The poem was modern English, so there were some words that I couldn’t understand. I’m getting better at analyzing poems, it’s still some things I still need to work on. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mending Wall Test

Today in class, we took a test on analyzing poems and on structure, characterization, and more. In the multiple choice section, the questions were kind of hard because I couldn’t understand what some of the questions were asking. On the test, there were poems that I were familiar with, which was the poems we analyzed in class. It made the test more easier because I already knew what the poems were about. I eliminated answers that I knew didn’t have anything to do with the poems. With the essay, we had to analyze “The Last Night that She Lived” poem by Emily Dickson. We had to write a paragraph on what the poem was about, we had to come up with a claim and have two evidence to represent our claim. It took me forever to analyze the poem, but I realized what the poem was about and I’m finally understanding on how to analyze a poem. It took me a long time, but I’m just happy that I’m finally making progress.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Remembrance Multiple Choice Corrections

Today in class, we were put into groups to correct our answers from a test we took last week. I didn’t understand the poem, which made the test hard but I still managed to pass the test. After we analyzed the poem, it gave me an better understating on what the poem was actually about. Dayleigh and I looked into the question and eliminated the answers that we knew wasn’t the answer to the question. Everyone corrections were graded and half of the class did excellent. Dayleigh and I didn’t approve, but we still managed to do our best on the corrections.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Group Assignment

In class, we were assigned into groups to analyze on Emily Dickson poem. My group was assigned to analyze “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?”. Everyone in the group had the same perspective on what the poem was about, we used all the techniques that was taught in class. We reflected that the speaker was telling us(the audience) that he/she is a nobody. The speaker was stating that he/she is their own person and that they don’t want to fit into the crowd for them to be known. After analyzing the poem, my group presented it to the class. Everyone understood the poem and I think that I’m finally getting the hang of analyzing poem. I feel that I understand analyzing poems whenever I’m in a group of people that understands it better then I do, which helps me understand it more. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analyzing Emily Dickson Poem

Throughout "I Felt a Funeral in my Brain" I reflected that the speaker dealt with depression mentally. The speaker experiences the loss of self and that she didn't know how to react to the thoughts that she had, which made the speaker sense a lot of sadness in her mind. In class, we analyzed the poem, which helped me a lot because I didn't understand the poem at all. I'm still kind of struggling on how to analyze a poem because there are some words I'm still not familiar with. I'm also not familiar with some of the figurative language, which is another reason why I have a difficult time analyzing poems. I going to make myself practice more on analyzing poems and use all the techniques Mr. Rease taught us in class, so that i can get the hang of it.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Reader Profile

My strength in reading, pose, and poetry is that I tend to sometimes remember what I have read and I always read fast when I’m by myself. My weakness in reading, pose, and poetry is that I can’t always understand what certain words mean, I tend to always read slow in front of a lot of people, I sometimes can’t pronounce words correctly, I sometimes don’t understand some poetry, they get confusing whenever I don’t understand what the author is pacifically saying in the poetry. The purpose of reading is to connect ideas with the books so that you could understand it better, figure out what information is the most important throughout the book, and always return to the passage to understand it better. My passions is to understand English more so that I can be an good writer, stay focused and continue to accomplish my goal to go to college to become an pharmacist, to understand words better and to know the definition of words that I don’t know, to make my family proud by achieving my goals which is making good grades, have and 4.0 gpa or higher, and to make straight A’s in all of the quarters. My peeves are not understanding certain words what I should know, being rushed, and not finishing my work on time.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Free Response Question 3

Thesis Statement: The exploration of the unknown leads to disappointment, excitement, and desiring experience.

The unknown is something that is unexpected that could lead you into excitement and disappointment experience like planning something with your friends. Planning the weekend with your friends can be excited but yet difficult to cope with because everything doesn't go as planned as you want them to go. You and your friends could be planning on going to the movies for the weekend which is exciting because you get to spend time with your friends but then they call and tell you that they aren't able to make it which is disappointing because they told you last minute and your not able to spend quality time with your friends. That excitement and disappointment experience is difficult to cope with because of you not spending time with your friends, it could have been you not seeing them for years or it could have been from you not wanting to stay home for the weekend. The unknown leads to desiring experience like applying for a job. Applying for a job is a hard task because it takes time and it would have you worrying if you got the job or not. Getting the job that want is thrilling until they tell you that you didn't get the job which is terrifying because you thought that you was qualified for the job. That desiring experience is difficult to cope with because it was a job that you really was happy about and you was hoping that you could get the job, but they tell you that you aren't qualified for the job which is shocking to you. The unknown leads to countless things because anything could happen, the unknown has allowed numerous feelings towards us humans which is very valuable.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Argumentative Paragraph

Meal time is important because it gives you the opportunity to spend time with your family. Meal time can get you closer to your family, A family can sit down and a parent could asked them how their day was and they could tell them about everything that happened on that day. It could have been a good day or a bad day, talking to your family during meal time can help you because they can give you good advice and help you out with your problems. My mom would always cheer me up when ever I had a bad day and during our meal time she would give me good advice that would help me out with everything and when I had a good day, I would tell my family every little detail that happened on that day. During meal time, people tend to get on their technology which distracts them from not having quality time with their family. It’s disrespectful to get on your cell phone while eating with your family because it would make them feel as if you don’t want to spend time with them and have a descent meal with them. When I go to my daddy house, my step mom would tell us to leave out technology in our rooms because she knows that it would distract us from having family time. Having meal time with your family is the best thing that could happen to anyone, you should always cherish having meal time with your family because meal time is the best way to communicate with your family and to get closer with your family.

Monday, March 11, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 29 Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Grant told the kids that they had to stay on their knees until he told them to get up, he couldn't stop thinking about what was going on with Jefferson, he then begin to questioned himself into why he's not with him and why did he make Jefferson feel as if God isn't real and that he said that he should listen to Reverend Ambrose because he is a smart man ans that he knows everything about God. Grant then told the kids that they can get up and that they need to come back no late then twelve o'clock, after they left, he begin to questioned himself again wondering what is going on with Jefferson at that moment. The kids came back no later then twelve and Grant told them to get back on their knees, one of the students asked him if they should pray and Grant said yes, Grant left the church so that he could walk until he lose memory if everything. Grant still begin to questioned him self about what Jefferson was doing and at that time it was twelve o'clock. Grant sat a a bus stop that is in front of Pichot's house, Grant refused to look at his watch because he knew that it would upset him knowing that Jefferson was going to die or probably been dead at that time. While Grant was walking back to the church he was looking at her house to, he was thinking if she knew that it was over. As Grant was close to walking in the church, he see a car driving slow which was Paul, when he got out , he was telling Grant how Jefferson was being the strongest man there. He told him that he was shacking a little but he was still the strongest man there, Paul asked Jefferson what else did he wanted to say before he was going to be deceased, and he said that tell is nanan that he was walking straight, which he did. Paul told Grant that he is a good teacher and Grant denied that statement because he thinks that Jefferson did it on his own, but it was actually Grant that got him through everything. Paul told Grant that he would like to be his friend and that he would be there anytime Grant needed him, Grant said thanks and he went back to the church, when he went in the students raised from being on their knees for the longest, Grant walked to his desk and begin to cry.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 28 Chapter 30

Chapter 30

On the day before the execution for Jefferson, everybody seen an truck that terrified them, so they stayed at there courthouse just to see who it was and why they were at the courthouse and what did they have in the back of the truck. Tante Lou didn't go home that night, she went to Miss Emma's house, Reverend Ambrose went to her house and left midnight because he had to wake up early because he was one of the witnesses for Jefferson. Reverend Ambrose could.t go to sleep even when he tried too, he prayed before he ate his food that his wife made for him, he then picks the bible verse that he will be saying at Jefferson's execution day. Grant was at the bar with Vivian. she didn't drink all the liquor that she ad, she told Grant that she will be going to church and she git the kids praying for Jefferson while they are at school. Grant left the Rainbow club but he didn't want to go home so he went to another bar, he then bought more liquor, thinking that it would make him go to sleep, but he couldn't because he couldn't get the execution out of his mind. The sheriff was eating breakfast talking to his wife, he was telling her that he wish that this wasn't happening but he have to do what he have to do. He was happy that Mr. Grope family let him t decide what to do and that he was nervous because this was his first time doing an execution. As the truck passed by people shops, they seen two men getting out the truck and they removed the trampoline cover, and they seen the chair for Jefferson's execution. The sheriff and the other men turned on the wireds to see if they worked perfectly. Everyone could hear them turning on the wires, they said that they wished that it was happening somewhere else. The sheriff was talking to the executioner and he was told that he had to shave Jefferson everywhere because it they aren't trying to torture him. Paul and Claude went to Murphy's cell block because the sheriff told them that Murphy had to do it, when they made it to Jefferson's cell block, they could see that he wasn't sleeping by the redness in his eyes. The deputies asked him if he was alright, he aid had respond and told them that he is good, that's when they told him that he had to be shaved. which he obeyed them because he knew that it had to happened, when Murphy was finished, Jefferson said that he could have the radio, Paul said that he couldn't take that, so Jefferson asked if he could take the marbles and he said yes. When Paul was leaving, Jefferson asked if he would be there at the execution and Paul told him yes.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 27 Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Jefferson wrote in the notebook that Grant bought, he was talking about. Her talked about how he had dream about the chair and how he was scared to go back to sleep. He talked about how Miss Emma didn't teach him how to spell because she didn't know how to herself, she had people write her letters and read her mail to her. He talked about how Reverend Ambrose talked to him about God and how he doesn't believe in heaven it hell, and Miss Emma forced him to talk to Reverend Ambrose about heaven because he doesn't believe that there isn't one at all. He talks about why poor people suffer more then the rich people, he talks about the other prisoners. He talks about how he heard sheriff and Morgan's bet on Jefferson, he talks about the sun, birds, and everything else that 's outside. Jefferson didn't know how to write , but he knew what he was talking about throughout his diary, Jefferson only expressed himself while he was writing, which was why Grant was so surprised when he first seen the notebook.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 26 Chapter 28

Chapter 28

When Grant went to visit Jefferson, he seen that the notebook was on the floor by the radio that he bought him, he asked if he could open it and he said that it was okay. Jefferson filled up the three quarters of the notebook, he wrote about having dreams about dying and about the difference between a men and a hog. Grant asked Jefferson abut the visit between him and Reverend Ambrose, he said that he just told him to pray, but he doesn't because he doesn't believe in that stuff and that he doesn't know is heaven is real. Jefferson asked Grant if h believed in heaven, Grant told him that he doesn't and the reason is because that he is lost, Grant then tells Jefferson that he needs to believe in something for the sake of Miss Emma. Reverend Ambrose told Jefferson that he doesn't have any possessions, which confused him because he gave a few away, Grant told him even if you don't have any possessions, he still has love to give. Jefferson asked Grant if he believed in God and he said yes, Jefferson says that he want to die word less just like Christ did. Jefferson moved in his life by grinning and working every day. When Grant lowered his head, Jefferson insist him to look at him and he did, Jefferson stood tall and not as limping as he usually do.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 25 Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Reverend Ambrose talked Grant about Jefferson, he says that he needs to teach Jefferson about God. Grant tells Reverend Ambrose that he couldn't teach about God because he could only teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. Reverend Ambrose can only teach him God because he only one that can because he is the Reverend and that he knows everything about God and heaven. Reverend Ambrose that he isn't educated because he doesn't understand people, and that his aunt always struggled when he was in university, she always lied and said that she was alright so that it wouldn't inner fear with his feelings. Grant said that he's not going to lie to Jefferson about the Bible and about heaven, Reverend Ambrose said that he need to because he won't listen to nobody else but him.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 24 Chapter 26

Chapter 26

When Grant woke up, he was laying in Vivian's bed, he then asked what happened and she told him, she told him that he is going to spend a night because he needs to recover before he goes home. He didn't want to because of her husband and that it could take the kids away from her, she said that she was already in trouble when Mr. Gusta called Vivian from the school and took her to the Rainbow club. He still didn't think it was a good idea, Vivian didn't care at this point so she just asked if he was hungry and that she would be in the kitchen fixing them some food. Grant went in the kitchen to cheer up, she didn't say anything, he continued to asked her if she was mad, she said no she was just disgusted. Vivian told Grant that her husband wanted to see the kids every weekend, he said that he just wanted ti mess up their relationship, they went on and on until Grant said that she wasn't acting herself, she asked him who she was and what was love besides have sexual intercourse with each other, Grant got mad so he just said forget everything that they even talked about and that he left the house. Grant didn't want o go anywhere because it was too dark, he went back to Vivian's house and laid his head on her lap.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 23 Chapter 25

Chapter 25

After the visit with Jefferson, Grant went to the Rainbow club so that he could have a talk with Vivian. When he waited for Vivian, he hear this two mulatto bricklayer men talking about something, Grant didn't know at first because he knew that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, Grant continues to listen. He heard one of them said nigger and that they couldn't wait for everything to be over with. He then hears one of them say that he should have been executed a long time ago, he then realizes that they were talking about Jefferson, which made Grant angry, he tried to keep his cool but he couldn't, so he told one of the men to shut up. He ends up fighting with the tall bricklayer men, Claiborne had the fat one. Claiborne hit Grant in the head, Grant begins to hear somebody voice, at first he didn't know who it was until he seen her, it was Vivian, she asked him if he was okay, he said yea and then Claiborne told them to leave before the law comes, and they left.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 22 Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Miss Emma wanted everyone to come with her to visit Jefferson, before Grant went to the cell. he went to the store to buy Jefferson an notebook and pencil like he promised that he was going to do. Miss Emma, Tante Lou, and Reverend Ambrose made it before Grant, which Miss Emma was mad because she didn't want to wait, but if Grant didn't get the notebook for Jefferson, he would have been there first. When they went in, there was somebody else to take them to the day room, not Paul, the deputy brought them to the day room with out saying anything. Miss Emma had brought gumbo for everybody to eat, when Miss Emma fixed every ones food, she asked Jefferson if he was hungry , and he said no, which made her upset and Grant knew that he couldn't look at her cause it would have given him an effect on it. Grant then asked Jefferson did he wanted to walk, Jefferson got up and they begin to talk about things. Grant was telling Jefferson that he should treat Miss Emma more as if she is his friend because people would do anything fr their friend, especially if they love them. Grant was telling Jefferson that he is a true hero and that he have to show these people that he is a man and not an wild animal. He told Jefferson that he can't defeat anyone and the only person that could do that is Jefferson because he know what is right, he tells him that he needs him more than Jefferson needs him, Jefferson begins to cry, and so do Grant.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 21 Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Miss Emma, Reverend Ambrose, amd Tante Lou went to visit Jefferson, he didn't talk to them because of the radio Grant gave him. Tante Lou blamed Grant because of getting Jefferson the radio, they said it is sinful and that isn't not good for him to be listening to that type of music. Grant get so angry about the situation because all he was trying to do was help them out by letting him open more with him and Miss Emma. When Grant went back to visit Jefferson, he begins to open more to Grant, which Grant is very excited about. Grant then refuses to take the radio away from him because its really helping Jefferson into opening more, which made Tante Lou and Miss Emma mad because Grant didn't listen to them. When Grant went back to the cell, he gave Jefferson a bag of nuts that the class gathered for him. Grant asked Jefferson ti meet with Miss Emma at the day room, Jefferson said that he would. Grant the told Jefferson that he would buy him a notebook so that he could write about what he was thinking or what he was feeling, Jefferson agreed with the decision. Before Grant left , Jefferson wanted him to tell the kids that he appreciates the nuts that they gathered for him, Grant feels as if he finally did something for Jefferson, he then gave Jefferson an hand shake.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 20 Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Grant came to visit Jefferson again, it was actually good this time, he asked for a whole gallon of ice cream, which made him smile excitedly. Grant told him about everything that been happening in town, he told him about a man name Gable, which made Jefferson upset again because he was suppose to go hunting the day he was at the crime scene. Grant then told him about a radio station, which made Jefferson happy again because Grant said that he was going to buy him an radio so that he could listen to music. He didn't believe him, so Grant wanted to leave early but he couldn't so he waited util the deputy came and got him. Paul asked if everything was okay and Grant said that it was better then ever. Grant didn't even go home, he went to the Rainbow to borrow money from Vivian and the people from the bar. Grant then asked went to the other side if the bar and seen Thelma, she asked him if he wanted some food and he said no, she even told him that she had some beef steak, he said he still wasn't hungry. She asked him how much did she need while she was fixing his food, she asked how much did he need ans he said ten bucks because the radio is twenty. Grant went t the store to buy the radio, the lady was being rude because Grant wanted an new one that had been in a box. Grant went back to the cell to hive Jefferson the radio, the sheriff told him that he should have asked before he bought anything, the sheriff asked how it was going and Grant asked it was good, Grant went back to the Rainbow, hoping that Vivian was there.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 19 Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Grant made it to Miss Emma house, he seen two cars in her yard, he didn't want to go in but he knew that he owed some respect to her since her godson is going to die soon. A couple minutes later, he goes to his aunt's house, he then see's Vivian, she came to visit him and Miss Emma to see how she is doing. Vivian didn't know if it was okay yo visit Miss Emma, Grant said that it was but if it wasn't then his aunt would have to understand be cause he loves her so dearly. When Vivian went to Miss Emma, she whisper something ti her ear, which made Miss Emma happy. After there visit to Miss Emma, they went to the Rainbow, they begin to drink brandy, which had Grant telling Vivian why his aunt and Miss Emma asked so much of him, and that Miss Emma want to take his pride. Vivian didn't understand what he was saying so he had to explain how black men has failed to take care of their women. Grant continued, he said that the people that even try to succeed, it would break them because of what happened to the people that also tried to do what was best for their family. He said that Miss Emma and Tante Lou continues to mess with him about helping Jefferson because they know that he is different from the rest of the men. He said that they don't understand how much this is bringing him down because they always force him to do something that he doesn't want to do. Vivian asked him how can they break this situation, Grant says that it is up to Jefferson if he wants to change or not.

My Weekend

My Weekend was good I talked to my cousin, I facetime my brother and sister, and i talked to my mom. I took a lot of naps like i always do, i really just did the usual.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 18 Chapter 20

Chapter 20

All the kids were outside playing and this man came in as Grant was working on his papers, the man didn't say much but Grant knew what he was trying to say, they set the date for Jefferson's execution. Grant had to go up to Pichot's house to talk to him and the sheriff, when he made it there he seen Reverend Ambrose's car. When Inez opened the door for him, she asked if he wanted coffee and he said no, Reverend Ambrose asked him how was everything going, Grant said everything was good. Inez came back and told Grant that the sheriff wold be coming within fifteen to twenty minutes, which had Grant questioning because they did him like this last time. The sheriff came fifteen minutes later, Pichot and the sheriff wanted them to come to the fronts , which was strange because Grant or Reverend Ambrose never went anywhere besides the kitchen, Grant wanted Reverend Ambrose to go first but he precede that Grant should go first. They schedule that execution to April the eighth and they git Miss Emma a doctor because they know that she haven't been feeling well about the execution and she would feel even worst when she finds out that its has to be before or after Easter. Grant couldn't get the execution date out of his mind, he just couldn't get how they could just come up with a date and time for somebody to die. When they left, Reverend Ambrose asked if he drive, Grant said no and that he walked, he said that he need a time fir himself because he just cant go home right away and tell Miss Emma about the execution so he just walked a couple of miles. Grant wished that it was nobody with him but Vivian, and that they could walk with each other forever.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 17 Chapter 19

Chapter 19
The Christmas program had begun and everybody was coming early because of the storm. Grant was getting the children together to perform for the Christmas program, they had sheets as curtains, three were white and one was light grey, which was embarrassing because it cam from Miss Rita always bring a grey sheet. As the kids were getting ready, Grant looked to see who was here, he seen Moss Rita and her grand son Bok, who took third of the bench. They raised money for Jefferson so that he could get clothes. Reverend Ambrose gave an introductory prayer. As the children sing the Christmas songs, it begin to touch everyone emotions, it made Grant depressed because hey did the same routine over and over again, which had him thinking if his town would do something new besides doing the same thing. A child then gave Grant some food, looking at the gifts that was given to Jefferson.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 16 Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The sheriff came to Jefferson's cell and asked him did he wanted his visitors to visit him at the day room for now on and he said if that's what they want because he is going to die anyway. Miss Emma, Tante Lou, and Reverend Ambrose came to visit Jefferson again, Miss Emma had everything prepared, the food, the table was straighten up and everything for Jefferson so he can feel as if he is at home. When Jefferson came, he was chained up so that he couldn't go anywhere if he tried to, he wasn't saying anything like he always do. Miss Emma asked him if he was hungry , he didn't say anything, he just put his head down and put his hands on his knees. She proceed to asked him if he wanted to eat, she even offered to feed him the food and he still didn't say anything. Jefferson did the same thing with Grant when he came to visit. Jefferson had lost some weight and Grant could see it, which why he continued to tell him to eat. Jefferson wanted to know what he wanted, Grant just wanted to talk and asked him what he wanted to talk about which was the chair, that was the only thing he had his mind on. Jefferson asked Grant questioned about God, Grant then asked him did he knew what moral meant and what obligation meant, he didn't say nothing, Grant continued, he said that we all owe something to someone, Jefferson owe he godmother something, he owed her respected and love. He needed to make his godmother know that he still loves her. Jefferson thinks that they are going to kill him around Christmas time, which Grant told him that nobody is going to die on Christmas. He then asked Jefferson did he wanted to leave, he said it doesn't matter, Grant wanted to leave but he couldn't because the sheriff would have known that something went wrong. Grant went to see Vivian, they went to Rainbow and talked, he then says that he wold stop all she have to do is say the word, she said no because they would hate each other,  he said that nothing can't be done, which Vivian said that something would happened soon.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 15 Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Grant went to visit Jefferson again, which he wasn't angry about anymore because he knew that he couldn't do anything to change Jefferson's mind. As the deputy took Grant to Jefferson's cell cock, he asked him questions that he really wanted to know which shocked him because as they visit multiple times, he never did the things that he would do in front of Grant and Miss Emma. Grant went to Jefferson's cell block and he asked him the usual, how he's doing and do he want some food, Jefferson was just looking at the window and when he said something about hurting the people he love he begin to say that it doesn't matter because he is going to die. Grant told him that everybody is going to die but he would always live his life to the fullest. Jefferson then talks about Vivian and that her private part isn't even god any way, Grant begins to get mad but then he realize that Jefferson really needed his help with this situation. Grant begins to say things that made Jefferson guilty of and that when he told him to continue to vexing him and he would scream, Jefferson didn't do it because he knew that he really needed help fro Grant so he begin to cry. Grant tells him how Vivian was the person that made him continue to visit him, not Miss Emma or Tante Lou, after he said everything he had to say, Jefferson begin to turn against the wall and they didn't talk for fifteen minutes. When the deputy came to get Grant, he told him the the sheriff wanted to see him, when Grant went in then office, they ignored him like they did last time at Pichot's house. the sheriff told him about the visit his wife and Miss Emma had, which Grant didn't know about, Miss Emma told her everything and she was just in shock, she told her that she would talk to the sheriff and that she couldn't wait for everything to be over with, so Miss Emma begins to cry and that the sheriff's wife didn't mean to say it like that. 

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 14 Chapter 16

Chapter 16

When Grant was at the church, he seen that Miss Emma and everybody else came back from visiting Jefferson, but Reverend Ambrose couldn't see him because of the fence in front the church. As for Grant, he told the kids that school was dismissed, as he was thinking, a little boy told him that Miss Emma said come by the house on his way out. Grant went to Taunte Lou house, as he walked in they looked directly at him from the kitchen table. He tried to do stuff for them to avoid them from getting mad at him. Miss Emma finds out that Grant was lying about what he said about Jefferson. She knew that Grant was lying because when she came to visit Jefferson , she had to hit him. Miss Elosie came to visit Miss Emma and she told her what happened, Miss Emma begin to asked God what she have done and she begin to cry, she begins to say that God hates her but everyone tells her that that's not true and that God is testing her . Miss Emma tells Grant to go back but he refuse, he tells them that Jefferson did acted the same way he did with Miss Emma and that it wouldn't do anything if he went back. Grant continues to tell Tante Lou that he isn't going back, a he even tried to tell her as calm as he could but he knew that it wasn't going to work so he just left.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 13 Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After Vivian and Grant's walk, Grant brought Vivian to Taute Lou house and he introduced Vivian to Miss Emma, Taute Lou, and Miss Elosie. They were just looking at her as she came in, the introduced their self to her, and then Grant wanted to make some coffee for them, which Taute Lou didn't like because she thought that he was trying to take over her home. As they was talking to her, they had asked her some questions like do she go to church, and do she believe in going to church very Sunday. She answered yes to all the questions, they then asked her if Grant didn't go to church and she did would it stop her from going , and she said yes she would work something out. Miss Emma told her nit to do that because she is a beautiful, very quality women and to never let anyone make her not go to places that she believes in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 12 Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Vivian was the women that came to Grant's house, which he was surprised because she never comes to that side of town. As she went in the house she talked about the pictures on his wall and how the house was rustic. When they was talking, Vivian mentions about going to church Sunday, Grant refuses to say something to her because he doesn't believe in that stuff. Grant took Vivian somewhere that she never went before, they ate sugar canes and talked about stuff. They had sexual intercourse in the field and they begin to talk about names for there children in the future, the wanted their boy name to be Paul and their girl name to be Paulette.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 11 Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Grant heard Miss Elosie come to Miss Emma house, before they went to talk to each other, Miss Emma told Grant to lock the door if he was leaving, and she didn't look at him when she said that. Miss Emma stop looking at him when Grant came back home from the university and he told her that he doesn't believe in going to church and believing in God anymore. As soon as Grant came back home Reverend Ambrose, Miss Emma, and Tante Lou were waiting on him. They've been waiting on him to tell them about Jefferson because he never spoke about Jefferson. Just like Grant told Jefferson, he lied to Miss Emma and told him that he was all right when really he is not. They knew for sure that he was lying because they could see it through him. He couldn't come up with another lie because he didn't know what else to say to them. Reverend Ambrose asked him what they talked about and Grant said just stuff, then he asked did they talk about God  and Grant said no.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

My Weekend

My weekend was okay, i didn't do anything but homework, as usual, and i talked to my mom, sister, and brother. I played iMessage games on my phone and that was about it.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 10 Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Grant didn't know how he was going to lie to Miss Emma because he knew that she wanted to know every little detail about the visit with Jefferson. Grant knew that he couldn't make a lie that fast, so he went to Rainbows, were nearly no one is in there, to make up a good little lie. When Grant made it to Rainbow, there were only two men, besides the bar tender. They were talking about baseball, and the old man demonstrate everything Jackie did in the game. Grant then was reminiscing about Jackie Roberson and the little Irishman. Grant continues to think about things, he thought about his girlfriend Vivian, he thought about them going somewhere for the weekend, and thought about leaving town with each other. As Grant went to visit Vivian, he asked her to go somewhere for the weekend, and she said no because she doesn't want her ex husband to take the kids away from her, so she said no.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 9 Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Grant went to the jail cell, but this time he seen the sheriff, which wasn't nothing because he was just being normal. This time Grant only gave two men some change, but they were like in there early twenties, which they can spend it for gum or a pack of cigarettes. Jefferson haven't taking care of his hygiene since the last time they seen him, Jefferson just doesn't care about anything now that he is going to die. Jefferson considers himself a hog, which is why Miss Emma wants Grant to talk to him so that he has a mind set of a man and not a hog. Jefferson continues to consider himself as an hog by eating like a hog and sounding like one as well. Grant knew that telling Miss Emma everything that happened, would break her heart, so he just told Jefferson that he was going to lie for him, for Miss Emma's sake.

Friday, February 22, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 8 Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Everything was like a routine when they went to Bayonne to see Jefferson. This time Miss Emma didn't go because she was sick, but Grant didn't want to go by himself because he knew that the same thing would happened. Grant was being disrespectful because Miss Emma was in the house for a long time. Miss Emma said that Grant didn't have to go but his auntie insisted. Grant reminisced about his teacher telling him that they would turn him to the nigger he is, he feels as if his auntie is helping them out, but she just trying to make sure that Miss Emma is good and that she doesn't have to worry about Jefferson when somebody can visit him every day.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 7 Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Miss Emma and Grant didn't talk the whole trip to Bayonne, Grant could at less said hey and ask how she was doing. As they made it to the police station, they had to go to the deputy to see Jefferson, the deputy was being disrespect to Miss Emma just because she asked how was Jefferson, he could have just answered her question instead of telling her to be quiet. The colored bathroom was at the basement and so was the jail cell, which is crazy because they could have just put them somewhere else instead of the basement were it is filthy and unsanitized. As Miss Emma was talking to Jefferson, he wasn't doing anything but looking at the ceiling and he was barely talking to anyone. Miss Emma brought all his favorites and he still refuses to talk to anyone, he beings saying that nothing matter anymore since he is going to die, he begins to look at Grant and think that he was one of the deputy. Jefferson could have just spoke to Miss Emma or could have eating the food, to make Miss Emma feel ads if he is okay in jail.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 6 Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Mr. Wiggins told the kids that they couldn't look out the window, which I don't understand why because the men wasn't doing anything but joking around. The girls were mad that they couldn't go outside and have fun chopping wood. Mr. Wiggins thought that he wasn't teaching the older boys more knowledge, he didn't want them to become the men that were outside. But they were just having fun chopping the wood. The boys gave Mr. Wiggins flashbacks from hen he was chopping up wood. He was reminiscing about his older teacher that always hated the class and hated that Mr. Wiggins wanted to learn. His old teacher was a very cruel person but he also taught Mr. Wiggins a lesson as well.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Weekend

My weekend was alright, I really didn't do nothing but the usual which was watch TV, do homework, go to sleep, and see my brother and sister. I gave my mom, step dad, brother , and sister their Valentines gift and that was about it really.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 5 Chapter 7

Chapter 7

As Dr. Joseph came to the school for superintendent, it seem as if he really didn't want to be there since he only visits once a year. He seemed nice when he told the girl that Herbert's family should be proud of her for being so intelligent. He asked the children a lot of questions, and told them about what's good for their body. Grant begin to ask Dr. Joseph about getting more supplies for the school and he refuse to do so. I feel as if he give the white school more school supplies then the colored because he feels that they can work for their supplies. Dr. Joseph then gets mad  Grant about him getting supplies and he then talks about how the kids should get off their butts and work for supplies, which i think that it is unfair because he could at less give Grant a little change. Dr. Joseph could have got more supplies for the kids, but not because they are colored, because it's good for their education.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 4 Chapter 6

Chapter 6

When Grant went to Pichot's house, Inez was crying which I think that she was crying because she knew that Pichot was going to waist Grant's time on the situation with Jefferson. Inez did everything she could to make sure that Grant was alright but he just wanted to talk to the sheriff and Pichot and go back home. Inez overheard the sheriff say that nobody couldn't make him a man even if they tried. They had Grant waiting for two and a half hours just for them to talk about Jefferson, which they was doing on purpose because they wanted Grant to wait for no reason. The sheriff let Grant see Jefferson but he think that it's a waist of time. They should have just talk to Grant sooner instead of wasting his time and their time.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 3

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Grant's aunt was still mad that he didn't eat supper that night he went to the club, so she didn't talk to him at all. He tried everything he could for her to say something but she didn't speak at all when ever he said hey. He was so angry , he yelled at half of the kids at school, which he shouldn't have because you never suppose to put your anger into the students. The whole class was so scared the put their heads down for the rest of the period. Since Bayonne was a small town, Grant knew everybody and what was going on in their homes. When Grant was talking to the kids, he told them about Jefferson and how he was going to die, one of the kids was Jefferson's cousin, but he didn't apologize to the girl. After that a man name Mr. Farrell came to Grant to tell him the he could come by Pichot's house around 5.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 2 

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

 I feel like that Grant shouldn't have to force Vivian to leave town with him because she still has business to take care of and she takes her job very serious. I don't think that Vivian and Grant should be together until her divorce is completely. Grant feels as if he can't help Miss Emma out about Jefferson because either way it goes, Jefferson is still going to die.

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 1

Chapter 1,2,&3

Chapter One
Jefferson should have just left the bar when the accident happened between Brother, Bear, and Mr. Grope. Jefferson wasn't being mature enough when the men died because he didn't call for help and he was to busy not trying to get caught. He just left with a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of cash he had stole from the bar. When the lawyer was trying to convince the judge to not give him death row, he was using racism as to get him out and i feel like that not okay because he could have said something different instead of disrespecting us blacks as if were not intelligent enough.

Chapter Two
Miss Emma doesn't pay attention to things unless it's racism. I feel like that Miss Emma is trying to save Jefferson life but he doesn't want to be saved because he hated the place. Miss Emma never showed no emotions but you could tell that she was hurt about the situation. All she could think about ids the word "hog" because she felt as the lawyer didn't have to use that word to let him free.

Chapter Three
Miss Emma had beg Henri Pichot to talk to the sheriff but Henri was begin disrespectful because he doesn't like Jefferson. He felt as if he was into everything, I feel as Miss Emma didn't have to beg for help because she done everything for the Pichot's family. Henri wasn't really paying attention to the conversation as he should because of Miss Emma losing the most important person in her life. She wants Jefferson to die as a man not as a hog that everybody thinks he is.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Martin Luther King Rhetorical Devices

The rhetorical devices I had chosen from the Martin Luther King speech are Metaphor, Repetition, and Pathos.
Device #1- Metaphor(Paragraph 1, Sentence 6)
"Negro is still badly crippled by the manacles of of segregation and the chains of discrimination."
This statement was appealing to the African Americas not being free.
Device #2- Repetition( Paragraph 4, Sentence 3)
"Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy."
You can see through out that paragraph he continued to use "now is the time".
Device#3- Pathos(Paragraph 7 Sentence 3)
"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."
This statement was appealing to how the entire movement was bitter and having hatred towards African Americans and how the entire movement became violent.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Vocabulary Words

Blunders- a stupid or careless mistake
Zany- amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
Stout- somewhat fat or heavy build( for people)
Lofty- of imposing height
Gratuitously- without good reason
Septuagenarian- a person who is from 70 to 79 years
Jeering- making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
Truism- statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting
Witty- showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor
Strive- make great efforts to achieve or obtain something

Mr. Daniel was so blunders about the students in class. People always said that he had an zany's humor. Mr. Daniel was a stout person and so lofty. He never had a reason on why he was gratuitously he wouldn't tell anyone. He was always jeering but you could never say that he wasn't truism. Mr. Daniel was a septuagenarian. On days when he is happy, he would be witty and he would give us sometimes strive to get ready for the next level in life.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

What is the American Dream

The American Dream is the faith for anyone regardless of where they were born, they can accomplish their own version of success of society which is possible for anyone around the world. The American Dream is to achieve through hard work in society from few barriers. It achieve through sacrifice, risk taking, and hard work. It allowes the highest aspirations and goals to reach as an American. What my dreams are for America is for us as African Americans to be able to be free as white people and not get judge by our skin color and race

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Self Love

Self love is an rare thing for most people
Self love leads to fascinating things upon your present and future
Putting yourself first will set you free
Always love yourself first
Self love is like cut up and tape
You can always put yourself back together
Love yourself before you love someone else

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What I learned last semester and What I want to learn this semester

What I learned last semester was how to write properly and how annotate as i read a book or poem. What I had problems with last semester was not finishing my writing or work on time and not coming up with an thesis statement instantly. What I want to learn this semester is to write better and to analyze poems, literature books, etc.. so that I can conceive better and to break down questions so that I can understand them better. I need to work on my pronunciation in my writing and reading and I also need to work on coming up with my thesis statements quicker.