Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 3

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Grant's aunt was still mad that he didn't eat supper that night he went to the club, so she didn't talk to him at all. He tried everything he could for her to say something but she didn't speak at all when ever he said hey. He was so angry , he yelled at half of the kids at school, which he shouldn't have because you never suppose to put your anger into the students. The whole class was so scared the put their heads down for the rest of the period. Since Bayonne was a small town, Grant knew everybody and what was going on in their homes. When Grant was talking to the kids, he told them about Jefferson and how he was going to die, one of the kids was Jefferson's cousin, but he didn't apologize to the girl. After that a man name Mr. Farrell came to Grant to tell him the he could come by Pichot's house around 5.

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