Sunday, March 3, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 21 Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Miss Emma, Reverend Ambrose, amd Tante Lou went to visit Jefferson, he didn't talk to them because of the radio Grant gave him. Tante Lou blamed Grant because of getting Jefferson the radio, they said it is sinful and that isn't not good for him to be listening to that type of music. Grant get so angry about the situation because all he was trying to do was help them out by letting him open more with him and Miss Emma. When Grant went back to visit Jefferson, he begins to open more to Grant, which Grant is very excited about. Grant then refuses to take the radio away from him because its really helping Jefferson into opening more, which made Tante Lou and Miss Emma mad because Grant didn't listen to them. When Grant went back to the cell, he gave Jefferson a bag of nuts that the class gathered for him. Grant asked Jefferson ti meet with Miss Emma at the day room, Jefferson said that he would. Grant the told Jefferson that he would buy him a notebook so that he could write about what he was thinking or what he was feeling, Jefferson agreed with the decision. Before Grant left , Jefferson wanted him to tell the kids that he appreciates the nuts that they gathered for him, Grant feels as if he finally did something for Jefferson, he then gave Jefferson an hand shake.

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