Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Today in class, we talked about words that offended us. A word that offended me was the word “bitch”, this word offends me because of how they use the word and because of the meaning of the word, which means female dog. In class, we talked about the word “nigger” and the different aspect of the word. I’ve learn new things such as that people use “nigger” for a lot of things. Such as nigger rich, nigger work, and etc.. I’ve also learned some other words that can also be offended to black people such as tom, mammy, and etc.. We’ve watched some videos on how “cracker” and “honky” is very offensive to white people but it’s not worse than “nigger”. Some people were interviewed and people were saying that it’s not offensive than the word “nigger” is. I believe this because white people wasn’t going to places that they weren’t allowed to go to unlike black people. They always had signs that were saying “no niggers allowed” or “niggers only”. Us black people had to dealt with racism for a very period of time and we still experience it today. Words can change everything about something for example, in the poem “Incident” by Countee Cullen. A little boy went to Baltimore, and he was very happy to experience the city, and the only thing he remembered from being their was that this boy called him a nigger. Words can be very conceited, and in that situation it was.

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