Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 15 Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Grant went to visit Jefferson again, which he wasn't angry about anymore because he knew that he couldn't do anything to change Jefferson's mind. As the deputy took Grant to Jefferson's cell cock, he asked him questions that he really wanted to know which shocked him because as they visit multiple times, he never did the things that he would do in front of Grant and Miss Emma. Grant went to Jefferson's cell block and he asked him the usual, how he's doing and do he want some food, Jefferson was just looking at the window and when he said something about hurting the people he love he begin to say that it doesn't matter because he is going to die. Grant told him that everybody is going to die but he would always live his life to the fullest. Jefferson then talks about Vivian and that her private part isn't even god any way, Grant begins to get mad but then he realize that Jefferson really needed his help with this situation. Grant begins to say things that made Jefferson guilty of and that when he told him to continue to vexing him and he would scream, Jefferson didn't do it because he knew that he really needed help fro Grant so he begin to cry. Grant tells him how Vivian was the person that made him continue to visit him, not Miss Emma or Tante Lou, after he said everything he had to say, Jefferson begin to turn against the wall and they didn't talk for fifteen minutes. When the deputy came to get Grant, he told him the the sheriff wanted to see him, when Grant went in then office, they ignored him like they did last time at Pichot's house. the sheriff told him about the visit his wife and Miss Emma had, which Grant didn't know about, Miss Emma told her everything and she was just in shock, she told her that she would talk to the sheriff and that she couldn't wait for everything to be over with, so Miss Emma begins to cry and that the sheriff's wife didn't mean to say it like that. 

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 14 Chapter 16

Chapter 16

When Grant was at the church, he seen that Miss Emma and everybody else came back from visiting Jefferson, but Reverend Ambrose couldn't see him because of the fence in front the church. As for Grant, he told the kids that school was dismissed, as he was thinking, a little boy told him that Miss Emma said come by the house on his way out. Grant went to Taunte Lou house, as he walked in they looked directly at him from the kitchen table. He tried to do stuff for them to avoid them from getting mad at him. Miss Emma finds out that Grant was lying about what he said about Jefferson. She knew that Grant was lying because when she came to visit Jefferson , she had to hit him. Miss Elosie came to visit Miss Emma and she told her what happened, Miss Emma begin to asked God what she have done and she begin to cry, she begins to say that God hates her but everyone tells her that that's not true and that God is testing her . Miss Emma tells Grant to go back but he refuse, he tells them that Jefferson did acted the same way he did with Miss Emma and that it wouldn't do anything if he went back. Grant continues to tell Tante Lou that he isn't going back, a he even tried to tell her as calm as he could but he knew that it wasn't going to work so he just left.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 13 Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After Vivian and Grant's walk, Grant brought Vivian to Taute Lou house and he introduced Vivian to Miss Emma, Taute Lou, and Miss Elosie. They were just looking at her as she came in, the introduced their self to her, and then Grant wanted to make some coffee for them, which Taute Lou didn't like because she thought that he was trying to take over her home. As they was talking to her, they had asked her some questions like do she go to church, and do she believe in going to church very Sunday. She answered yes to all the questions, they then asked her if Grant didn't go to church and she did would it stop her from going , and she said yes she would work something out. Miss Emma told her nit to do that because she is a beautiful, very quality women and to never let anyone make her not go to places that she believes in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 12 Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Vivian was the women that came to Grant's house, which he was surprised because she never comes to that side of town. As she went in the house she talked about the pictures on his wall and how the house was rustic. When they was talking, Vivian mentions about going to church Sunday, Grant refuses to say something to her because he doesn't believe in that stuff. Grant took Vivian somewhere that she never went before, they ate sugar canes and talked about stuff. They had sexual intercourse in the field and they begin to talk about names for there children in the future, the wanted their boy name to be Paul and their girl name to be Paulette.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 11 Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Grant heard Miss Elosie come to Miss Emma house, before they went to talk to each other, Miss Emma told Grant to lock the door if he was leaving, and she didn't look at him when she said that. Miss Emma stop looking at him when Grant came back home from the university and he told her that he doesn't believe in going to church and believing in God anymore. As soon as Grant came back home Reverend Ambrose, Miss Emma, and Tante Lou were waiting on him. They've been waiting on him to tell them about Jefferson because he never spoke about Jefferson. Just like Grant told Jefferson, he lied to Miss Emma and told him that he was all right when really he is not. They knew for sure that he was lying because they could see it through him. He couldn't come up with another lie because he didn't know what else to say to them. Reverend Ambrose asked him what they talked about and Grant said just stuff, then he asked did they talk about God  and Grant said no.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

My Weekend

My weekend was okay, i didn't do anything but homework, as usual, and i talked to my mom, sister, and brother. I played iMessage games on my phone and that was about it.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 10 Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Grant didn't know how he was going to lie to Miss Emma because he knew that she wanted to know every little detail about the visit with Jefferson. Grant knew that he couldn't make a lie that fast, so he went to Rainbows, were nearly no one is in there, to make up a good little lie. When Grant made it to Rainbow, there were only two men, besides the bar tender. They were talking about baseball, and the old man demonstrate everything Jackie did in the game. Grant then was reminiscing about Jackie Roberson and the little Irishman. Grant continues to think about things, he thought about his girlfriend Vivian, he thought about them going somewhere for the weekend, and thought about leaving town with each other. As Grant went to visit Vivian, he asked her to go somewhere for the weekend, and she said no because she doesn't want her ex husband to take the kids away from her, so she said no.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 9 Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Grant went to the jail cell, but this time he seen the sheriff, which wasn't nothing because he was just being normal. This time Grant only gave two men some change, but they were like in there early twenties, which they can spend it for gum or a pack of cigarettes. Jefferson haven't taking care of his hygiene since the last time they seen him, Jefferson just doesn't care about anything now that he is going to die. Jefferson considers himself a hog, which is why Miss Emma wants Grant to talk to him so that he has a mind set of a man and not a hog. Jefferson continues to consider himself as an hog by eating like a hog and sounding like one as well. Grant knew that telling Miss Emma everything that happened, would break her heart, so he just told Jefferson that he was going to lie for him, for Miss Emma's sake.

Friday, February 22, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 8 Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Everything was like a routine when they went to Bayonne to see Jefferson. This time Miss Emma didn't go because she was sick, but Grant didn't want to go by himself because he knew that the same thing would happened. Grant was being disrespectful because Miss Emma was in the house for a long time. Miss Emma said that Grant didn't have to go but his auntie insisted. Grant reminisced about his teacher telling him that they would turn him to the nigger he is, he feels as if his auntie is helping them out, but she just trying to make sure that Miss Emma is good and that she doesn't have to worry about Jefferson when somebody can visit him every day.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 7 Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Miss Emma and Grant didn't talk the whole trip to Bayonne, Grant could at less said hey and ask how she was doing. As they made it to the police station, they had to go to the deputy to see Jefferson, the deputy was being disrespect to Miss Emma just because she asked how was Jefferson, he could have just answered her question instead of telling her to be quiet. The colored bathroom was at the basement and so was the jail cell, which is crazy because they could have just put them somewhere else instead of the basement were it is filthy and unsanitized. As Miss Emma was talking to Jefferson, he wasn't doing anything but looking at the ceiling and he was barely talking to anyone. Miss Emma brought all his favorites and he still refuses to talk to anyone, he beings saying that nothing matter anymore since he is going to die, he begins to look at Grant and think that he was one of the deputy. Jefferson could have just spoke to Miss Emma or could have eating the food, to make Miss Emma feel ads if he is okay in jail.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 6 Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Mr. Wiggins told the kids that they couldn't look out the window, which I don't understand why because the men wasn't doing anything but joking around. The girls were mad that they couldn't go outside and have fun chopping wood. Mr. Wiggins thought that he wasn't teaching the older boys more knowledge, he didn't want them to become the men that were outside. But they were just having fun chopping the wood. The boys gave Mr. Wiggins flashbacks from hen he was chopping up wood. He was reminiscing about his older teacher that always hated the class and hated that Mr. Wiggins wanted to learn. His old teacher was a very cruel person but he also taught Mr. Wiggins a lesson as well.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Weekend

My weekend was alright, I really didn't do nothing but the usual which was watch TV, do homework, go to sleep, and see my brother and sister. I gave my mom, step dad, brother , and sister their Valentines gift and that was about it really.

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 5 Chapter 7

Chapter 7

As Dr. Joseph came to the school for superintendent, it seem as if he really didn't want to be there since he only visits once a year. He seemed nice when he told the girl that Herbert's family should be proud of her for being so intelligent. He asked the children a lot of questions, and told them about what's good for their body. Grant begin to ask Dr. Joseph about getting more supplies for the school and he refuse to do so. I feel as if he give the white school more school supplies then the colored because he feels that they can work for their supplies. Dr. Joseph then gets mad  Grant about him getting supplies and he then talks about how the kids should get off their butts and work for supplies, which i think that it is unfair because he could at less give Grant a little change. Dr. Joseph could have got more supplies for the kids, but not because they are colored, because it's good for their education.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 4 Chapter 6

Chapter 6

When Grant went to Pichot's house, Inez was crying which I think that she was crying because she knew that Pichot was going to waist Grant's time on the situation with Jefferson. Inez did everything she could to make sure that Grant was alright but he just wanted to talk to the sheriff and Pichot and go back home. Inez overheard the sheriff say that nobody couldn't make him a man even if they tried. They had Grant waiting for two and a half hours just for them to talk about Jefferson, which they was doing on purpose because they wanted Grant to wait for no reason. The sheriff let Grant see Jefferson but he think that it's a waist of time. They should have just talk to Grant sooner instead of wasting his time and their time.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 3

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Grant's aunt was still mad that he didn't eat supper that night he went to the club, so she didn't talk to him at all. He tried everything he could for her to say something but she didn't speak at all when ever he said hey. He was so angry , he yelled at half of the kids at school, which he shouldn't have because you never suppose to put your anger into the students. The whole class was so scared the put their heads down for the rest of the period. Since Bayonne was a small town, Grant knew everybody and what was going on in their homes. When Grant was talking to the kids, he told them about Jefferson and how he was going to die, one of the kids was Jefferson's cousin, but he didn't apologize to the girl. After that a man name Mr. Farrell came to Grant to tell him the he could come by Pichot's house around 5.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 2 

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

 I feel like that Grant shouldn't have to force Vivian to leave town with him because she still has business to take care of and she takes her job very serious. I don't think that Vivian and Grant should be together until her divorce is completely. Grant feels as if he can't help Miss Emma out about Jefferson because either way it goes, Jefferson is still going to die.

Monday, February 11, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying

Day 1

Chapter 1,2,&3

Chapter One
Jefferson should have just left the bar when the accident happened between Brother, Bear, and Mr. Grope. Jefferson wasn't being mature enough when the men died because he didn't call for help and he was to busy not trying to get caught. He just left with a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of cash he had stole from the bar. When the lawyer was trying to convince the judge to not give him death row, he was using racism as to get him out and i feel like that not okay because he could have said something different instead of disrespecting us blacks as if were not intelligent enough.

Chapter Two
Miss Emma doesn't pay attention to things unless it's racism. I feel like that Miss Emma is trying to save Jefferson life but he doesn't want to be saved because he hated the place. Miss Emma never showed no emotions but you could tell that she was hurt about the situation. All she could think about ids the word "hog" because she felt as the lawyer didn't have to use that word to let him free.

Chapter Three
Miss Emma had beg Henri Pichot to talk to the sheriff but Henri was begin disrespectful because he doesn't like Jefferson. He felt as if he was into everything, I feel as Miss Emma didn't have to beg for help because she done everything for the Pichot's family. Henri wasn't really paying attention to the conversation as he should because of Miss Emma losing the most important person in her life. She wants Jefferson to die as a man not as a hog that everybody thinks he is.