Friday, September 27, 2019


Today in class, we played kahoot and quiziz that had questions involved with Macbeth.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Today in class, we talked about the techniques on how to start an introduction for your essays. We also talked about how to do a thesis statement, we used the umbrella method for the thesis. I think that I’m processing with the umbrella method. I’ll have to practice more so that I can get a better understanding on it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Review on Macbeth

Today in class, we reviewed on Macbeth to see if everyone understood what it was about.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today in class, we finished reading Macbeth. After we had done that, Mr. Rease has showed us some prompts that were from the 1970 to now. He but each section into groups and we picked which year we wanted to do, we went through the prompts and what the prompt was asking us to do. We then brainstorm the prompt, we used Macbeth as our topic and we had to come up with claims and evidence for the prompt. It wasn’t hard because we had recently finished the play, so we have a good idea of who we’re going to use for our prompt.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Friday we continued to read Macbeth. We go further into when he killed King Duncan, he then realized that Banquo was also in his way so he killed him as well. Macbeth is becoming the man that Lady Macbeth wanted him to be but she doesn’t like the way he is acting and she wants him to stop.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Creating a Scene

Today in class, Mr Rease put everyone into groups and every group had to create our own scene. Our group had to create a scene of what would have happened if Macbeth and Lady Macbeth haven’t killed King Duncan. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today in class, we read over Macbeth. Through Act Two, Lady Macbeth came up with a plan on how to kill King Duncan, which they accomplish to do. Once everyone found out about his death, Macbeth being to show no emotion as they talked about Duncan’s death. Duncan’s sons, Malcom and Donalbain realized how Macbeth was reacting. 

Monday, September 16, 2019


Today in class, we talked about the rubric on how to right an essay. We used one of the old AP English literature test to use question 3, which was an open ended question. It told us to write a defensible thesis and choose a novel, play, or literature merit. We Macbeth and A Lesson Before Dying to get a better understanding on how to do question 3.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Coastal Community College

Today we went to talk to the recruiter from coastal, she told us everything we needed to know as far from scholarships for their college and more. She talked to us about FASFA and ok what we need to do if we want to apply for their college and other colleges. For their college, you don’t have to have a pacific ACT score in order to get accepted, all you have to do is get your high school transcript sent to them and your automatically accepted to their college.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today in class, we read the play “Macbeth”. In Macbeth, Macbeth wants to be king but he doesn’t want to make bad decisions to become king. He has to kill King Duncan and everyone else that is related to King Duncan to become king. Everyone believes that he will become king one day, even him, but he doesn’t want to make that sacrifice into mud during anyone because he’s a good person. Lady Macbeth is on the opposite side of the situation, she wants Macbeth to make all the wrong choices so that he could be king, she wants Macbeth to see that doing the things that he have to do will come into a great cause which is him becoming king. Macbeth has the potential but he’s not related to King Duncan, so he can’t become king.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today in class, we talked about what America symbolized to us and what being an American means. We talked about what hero and patriots meant to us. We also talked about what happened in 9/11, about what caused the crash and why Al- Qaeda hijacked the airplanes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today in class, we took notes on one of William Shakespeare poems “Macbeth”. We discuss on who the characters were and what the play would be about as we read it. We also took notes on what we should see within the play (allusion, dramatic irony, etc..)

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today, we had a substitute and we just chilled and watched YouTube videos. I worked on my homework for Mrs. Mahoney.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Analyzing a William Shakespeare Poem

In class, we got into groups to analyze “When in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes”. After we paraphrase the poem and did the other techniques we were taught, we had to come up with a question and we had to answer that question with a paragraph. My group reflected that the poem was about a speaker wanting to have a better wealth. The speaker than realized that they have everything that they need. The speaker inspired others to cherish everything they have because there are others that doesn’t have anything.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

She shredded her beliefs like a snakes skin

She shredded her beliefs like a snakes skin,
Doubt about confidence and outer shell,
But that was within her back than,
The old her always depended on people,
Reality notified her like a ringing bell,
Her dependence rose up like a eagle,
Not once she never let others see her fail,
Nonchalant towards people as she please,
She never had a shoulder to cry on,
Loved ones took her emotions as a joke,
Never did she had people to call upon,
But that was her back than,
Always believe in yourself at all times,
Confidence is the key to achievement.

Creating a Sonnet Poem

In class, we had to create our own sonnet poem. We practice on how to create it a sonnet poem, the packet gave us an example from one of William Shakespeare sonnet poems. The process of creating the poem was very difficult to do. It took me forever to come up with an idea of what I was going to write and and it was very hard to come up with words that would fit at less 5 feet. I had to come up with another idea, which helped me out better. Shane helped me start the poem of, which helped me a lot, but it’s still very hard to create a sonnet poem.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

William Shakespeare

Today in class, we learned about old English, Middle English, and modern English. We talked about the Shakespeare sonnets which contains quatrains, rhyme couplet, and more. We analyzed “Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a Summers day?”. We all reflected that the poem was about beauty and that beauty isn’t immortal. The poem was modern English, so there were some words that I couldn’t understand. I’m getting better at analyzing poems, it’s still some things I still need to work on.